LCF_Irene Kam (15 Aug 2024)

15 Aug: The second session on our pre-event agenda was a session on “Networking: Why do it & How to Nail It”, by the dynamic and knowledgeable, Ms. Irene Kam.

A former student of ATC herself, Ms. Irene Kam is a seasoned practicing lawyer who has today established herself as a partner and Head of Intellectual Property & Privacy practice group of Messrs. Azri, Lee Swee Seng & Co. Ms. Irene also serves as an Independent Director in Parkwood Holdings Bhd. and is a senior lecturer at ATC who teaches on our various law programmes.


Bringing a wealth of experience from her many portfolios, Ms. Irene engaged the participants with useful tips and tricks to master the art of networking. Through interactive activities, Ms. Irene helped imbibe the importance of exercising our networking muscle and making genuine connections with others. As a whole, this session was immensely useful for our participants who are eagerly gearing for the Legal Careers Fair this year.


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