This month ATC continues its Legal Education Series with a discourse on, “What do employers look for when hiring lawyers?”

Highly experienced in the field of legal recruitment and professional coaching, our guest speaker, Mr. Eddie Law shared his wisdom with over 120 participants. The 2-hour session was a compact, impactful session through which Mr. Eddie took the attendees through his interesting take on “the 5Cs” and “the ‘second LLB’” needed for one to secure and maintain a fulfilling and successful career in the legal world.

The Q&A session was moderated by ATC’s Head of CLP Department, Ms Kashmir Harbans Singh, which gave the participants a chance to engage directly and seek advice from the speaker. Through this lively segment, Mr Eddie shared some very honest, yet useful advice with all the participants. As a whole, this inspirational session moved the participants to work harder and smarter in carving their legal careers. ATC wishes them all the best in their journey to becoming a lawyer!

ATC hereby records its deepest appreciation to Mr. Eddie Law, for his precious time and sharing. 

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