
On 19 September 2024, ATC has successfully launched the first ever episode of our “Beyond Law School” initiative, featuring a talk by Mr. Louis Liaw from Louis Liaw Chambers. Mr. Louis Liaw shared with us an overview of employment law in Malaysia, and also his experience as an employment lawyer.

In his talk, Mr. Louis Liaw talked about the various courts and tribunals that handle disputes arising from employment, and the basic protection employees are entitled to under the law. He also shared with us a few cases he had taken up in this area of practice and his strategies in handling those cases.

Beyond Law School is an initiative by ATC to expose our students to the many possibilities that await them after law school. Through a series of talks, seminar and workshop, we aim to give the students some insights about the career options available to law students after they complete their legal education, ranging from various areas of legal practice to public service, politics and education.

We are extremely grateful to Mr. Louis Liaw who has graciously agreed to be our first ever speaker in this inaugural episode of Beyond Law School.

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