ATC organised a field trip to the Kuala Lumpur Court complex in Jalan Duta on the 30th of May 2023. The trip was for the Foundation in Law (FIL) Sept 2022 batch of students who are currently in their final semester.
We were met at the court building by Ms. Liew, a Senior Assistant Registrar (SAR) who then divided the group into smaller teams and they were sent into various court rooms to watch the proceedings.
After the visit, we had a session back in the KL campus where we discussed what they saw in court with Mr. Daniel Abishegam, Mr. Sharavana Mahendran and Mr Jackson Phang.
The students were excited about the opportunity to witness an actual court proceeding first hand and had many questions about what they saw. This trip is part of ATC’s initiative to ensure that our students obtain a more practical perspective of their legal education to complement the academic matters they get in their lectures.

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