We have made it possible for you to obtain a world-class qualification of high international standards at a much lower cost than ever before. Now it’s up to you to make the best of this opportunity to level-up your game in the real world.
In our tradition of distinction, ATC College has been awarded the University of London’s 150th-Anniversary Award for Excellence, and proudly holds the worldwide record as the private law school with the most London law awards. We are also recognized by the Cambridge International Examination as a registered centre for A-Level examinations.
Our campus is located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, where it is easily accessible via public transportation, and surrounded by public amenities such as banks, restaurants, shopping centres and hypermarkets.
We have been making high quality education accessible to as many people as possible since ATC College was founded in 1988. Since then, ATC College has been held in high esteem as the hallmark of excellence in education.
Proven track record of stellar results. We are proud that over 9,000 students have graduated with prestigious degrees and they are prominent leaders in their chosen fields.
Cutting-edge teaching-learning methodologies are used to facilitate learning through immersion by conducting mock court cases and business scenarios, and discussing real life case studies. You will develop analytical and critical thinking skills.
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